- Length: 2019
- Lead Partner:
- Members Involved: Liceo Moro, Folkungaskolan -Linköping
- Other Partners:
- Priority Area:
Parma, October - December 2019
About the project
Promoting citizenship in the European Union through an improved participation in European projects.
Institutional building initiatives to promote knowledge of the formulation and implementation processes of EU policies and the strengthening of the participation of local authorities
The Municipality of Borgo Val di Taro, with the Province of Parma as project partner, received a grant from the Region Emilia Romagna to develop institutional building initiatives to promote knowledge of the formulation and implementation processes of EU policies and the strengthening of the participation of local authorities.
Staff of the SERN Secretariat acted as trainers on PCM
The project developed into 5 training days for different target groups:
- Three days were dedicated to develop operational capacity for technicians and public authority officials based on the presentation of the PCM for planning new European projects (October 23, October 31 and November 7, 2019)
- A day dedicated to the leaders of the municipalities on the development of strategic capabilities in the transnational field (19 November 2019)
- A day dedicated to stakeholders to develop their role in European projects (13 December 2019).
The project involved a total of 90 people from 9 organisations of the Parma area.
Starting from the aim of showing the possibilities of direct participation in the life of the EU through the implementation of European projects on issues related citizens’ needs and priorities, 5 project ideas have been prepared in the welfare and elderly sector, in the environmental sector and in the field of territorial and tourism development. These proposals represent an important concrete result of the training process and they are useful to submit project under Erasmus+ and Europe for Citizens programmes.