The General Assembly is the highest authority of the network and it has the power to take decision concerning all the activities of the network. The Assembly, held once a year either in Sweden or Italy, is chaired by the chair of the Executive Board.
📅 Wednesday, May 14 - SERN General Assembly
📍 Venue: Palazzo del Governatore & San Paolo
10:00 - 10:30
GA Registration - Palazzo del Governatore
10:30 - 12:00
GA Opening Plenary - Palazzo del Governatore
12:00 - 13:00 | Parallel Sessions
Parallel Session 1
Contact Persons & School Staff
Fostering a collaborative mindset to encourage colleagues to participate in international activities.
Parallel Session 2
How to better promote the mainstreaming of EU project results in the organisation.
Parallel Session 3
Political Representatives
How to communicate Europe to its citizens.
12:00 - 13:00 | SERN/Members' Project Presentations
Session 1
💡 Project Idea Presentation
🔹 Innovation & EU Projects
Session 2
🌍 Green Transition
🔹 Local sustainable initiatives
Session 3
🤝 Social Inclusion & Youth Engagement
🔹 Strategies for community involvement
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch - San Paolo Chiostro
14:30 - 16:00 | Scenario Sessions
Participants will work on real-world challenges, brainstorming solutions collaboratively.
Contact Persons & School Staff
Promoting international activities strategically within the organisation.
Cross-sectoral collaboration to address complex challenges.
Political Representatives
The role of political leaders in European projects and policies.
16:00 - 17:00
Executive Board Meeting (Only for Board Members) - San Paolo
19:00 - 20:00
GA Club - Informal space for reflection about the day’s learnings.
Previous sessionS of the General Assemblies
Thursday, May 15 - SERN General Assembly
Venue: Palazzo del Governatore & San Paolo
09:00 - 09:30
Daily Conversation Starter
09:30 - 11:00 | Thematic Sessions & Seminar
Youth Participation in Civic Life
How to engage young people in decision-making and create spaces for youth inclusion.
Networks for Innovation & Cohesion
Addressing rural isolation with digital and physical infrastructure strategies.
Upskilling & Reskilling Educational Staff
Integrating AI and digital tools while addressing classroom diversity.
Seminar: Linking Local Challenges - Gender Equality & Sustainability
Exploring the intersection of gender policies and sustainability goals.
11:00 - 13:00 | Parallel Activities & Seminar
Project Idea Development
Collaborative session for creating new project proposals.
SERN/Members' Project Presentations
Showcasing ongoing projects and initiatives.
Peer-to-Peer Learning
Sharing best practices and mentoring within the network.
Seminar: Linking Local Challenges - Gender Equality & Sustainability
Continued discussions, case studies, and knowledge sharing.
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch - San Paolo Chiostro
14:30 - 16:00
Former SERN Chairs Roundtable - Discussion on the network’s evolution and future challenges.
16:00 - 17:30
General Assembly Session - Organizational updates and elections for the Member of the Executive Board and Board of Auditors.
Friday, May 16 - SERN General Assembly
Venue: Fontanellato, Rocca Sanvitale
09:00 - 09:30
Transfer to Fontanellato
09:30 - 10:00
Daily Conversation Starter
10:00 - 12:00 | Scenario Sessions
Contact Persons & School Staff
Promoting the strategic importance of EU and international activities within organizations.
Encouraging cross-sectoral learning and collaboration to address complex challenges.
Political Representatives
The role of political representatives in European projects and activities.
12:00 - 13:00 | Parallel Sessions
Project Idea Development Session
Collaborative session for creating new project proposals.
SERN/Members' Project Presentations
Showcasing ongoing projects and initiatives.
Peer-to-Peer Learning
Sharing best practices and mentoring within the network.
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch - Fontanellato, Rocca Sanvitale
14:30 - 17:00
Study Visits
📅 Wednesday, May 14 - SERN General Assembly
📍 Venue: Parma, Palazzo del Governatore & Laboratorio Aperto - Complesso San Paolo
10:00 - 10:30
GA Registration - Palazzo del Governatore
10:30 - 12:00
GA Opening Plenary - Palazzo del Governatore
12:00 - 13:00 | Parallel Sessions
Parallel Session 1
Contact Persons & School Staff
Fostering a collaborative mindset to encourage colleagues to participate in international activities.
Parallel Session 2
How to better promote the mainstreaming of EU project results in the organisation.
Parallel Session 3
Political Representatives
How to communicate Europe to its citizens.
12:00 - 13:00 | SERN/Members' Project Presentations
Session 1
💡 Project Idea Presentation
🔹 Innovation & EU Projects
Session 2
🌍 Green Transition
🔹 Local sustainable initiatives
Session 3
🤝 Social Inclusion & Youth Engagement
🔹 Strategies for community involvement
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch - San Paolo Chiostro
14:30 - 16:00 | Scenario Sessions
Participants will work on real-world challenges, brainstorming solutions collaboratively.
Contact Persons & School Staff
Promoting international activities strategically within the organisation.
Cross-sectoral collaboration to address complex challenges.
Political Representatives
The role of political leaders in European projects and policies.
16:00 - 17:00
Executive Board Meeting (Only for Board Members) - San Paolo
19:00 - 20:00
GA Club - Informal space for reflection about the day’s learnings.
Thursday, May 15 - SERN General Assembly
Venue: Palazzo del Governatore & San Paolo
09:00 - 09:30
Daily Conversation Starter
09:30 - 11:00 | Thematic Sessions & Seminar
Youth Participation in Civic Life
How to engage young people in decision-making and create spaces for youth inclusion.
Networks for Innovation & Cohesion
Addressing rural isolation with digital and physical infrastructure strategies.
Upskilling & Reskilling Educational Staff
Integrating AI and digital tools while addressing classroom diversity.
Seminar: Linking Local Challenges - Gender Equality & Sustainability
Exploring the intersection of gender policies and sustainability goals.
11:00 - 13:00 | Parallel Activities & Seminar
Project Idea Development
Collaborative session for creating new project proposals.
SERN/Members' Project Presentations
Showcasing ongoing projects and initiatives.
Peer-to-Peer Learning
Sharing best practices and mentoring within the network.
Seminar: Linking Local Challenges - Gender Equality & Sustainability
Continued discussions, case studies, and knowledge sharing.
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch - San Paolo Chiostro
14:30 - 16:00
Former SERN Chairs Roundtable - Discussion on the network’s evolution and future challenges.
16:00 - 17:30
General Assembly Session - Organizational updates and elections for the Member of the Executive Board and Board of Auditors.
Friday, May 16 - SERN General Assembly
Venue: Fontanellato, Rocca Sanvitale
09:00 - 09:30
Transfer to Fontanellato
09:30 - 10:00
Daily Conversation Starter
10:00 - 12:00 | Scenario Sessions
Contact Persons & School Staff
Promoting the strategic importance of EU and international activities within organizations.
Encouraging cross-sectoral learning and collaboration to address complex challenges.
Political Representatives
The role of political representatives in European projects and activities.
12:00 - 13:00 | Parallel Sessions
Project Idea Development Session
Collaborative session for creating new project proposals.
SERN/Members' Project Presentations
Showcasing ongoing projects and initiatives.
Peer-to-Peer Learning
Sharing best practices and mentoring within the network.
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch - Fontanellato, Rocca Sanvitale
14:30 - 17:00
Study Visits
Thursday 23 May 2024
08.45 – 09.00: Opening session of the GA 2024
- Carina Sammeli, Mayor of Luleå
- Cecilia Burenby, Chairwoman of the SERN Executive Board, Mjölby Municipality
09.00 – 09.30
- Luleå, green transition and skills supply, The EU’s Hottest Region – Carina Sammeli, Mayor of Luleå
09.30 – 11.00 Parallel workshops:
A training workshop designed to empower representatives from educational institutions with essential knowledge and skills in managing Erasmus+ projects. This training aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Project Cycle Management, a key methodology used in planning, implementing, and evaluating projects within the Erasmus+ framework. The session is tailored for school representatives who are new to Erasmus+ or looking to strengthen their project management capabilities.
- SERN Secretariat
This workshop focuses on how SERN members are adapting to the challenges of emerging sectors like green technology, social welfare and healthcare through reskilling and upskilling initiatives. This interactive session will feature case studies, highlighting successful approaches to adult education and workforce development among member organisations. Participants will engage in discussions about effective practices and explore collaborative opportunities between Sweden and Italy to foster a skilled workforce for strategic industries.
Adult education – with close interaction with companies
- Christoffer Brännstrom – Partnership Manager, Vuxenutbildningen – Municipality of Luleå
- Nicklas Häggström – Head of education, Vuxenutbildningen – Municipality of Luleå
Talents, skills and gender: real practices from Emilia-Romagna region
- Elisabetta Bracci – Cluster manager, CLUSTER Innovate
- Luca Arcangeli – Project Manager, CLUSTER Innovate
This session focuses on framing the challenges of water management within the context of climate change, in line with SERN’s strategic priority on climate action. It aims to provide an overview of the impacts of climate change on water resources, discussing both scarcity and flooding, and how these issues are being addressed at the European and national levels.
- Patrizia Ercoli – Head of Water Protection & Management Unit, Emilia-Romagna Region
Climate changes in a fragile territory: Faenza flood experience
- Luca Ortolani – Municipal Councillor for Urban Planning, Environment and Mobility, Municipality of Faenza
Climate adaptation in Norrköping, strategies and practical examples
- Maria Rothman, Water Strategist – Municipality of Norrköping
Cervia resilience planning strategies in a changing climate
- Simona Melchiorri, Responsible of Eu Policies Unit – Municipality of Cervia
11.15 – 13.00 Parallel workshops:
The seminar aims to explore and discuss various strategies and practices for promoting well-being in school environments. The workshop will include a presentation on the ‘Best Practice Bridge’ model, a successful initiative that has shown significant impact in enhancing student and staff well-being in schools. The session is designed to be interactive and informative, providing participants with practical insights and ideas that can be applied in their respective educational settings.
- Joakim Hellgren, Senior Lecturer and Developer – Municipality of Luleå
- Lillemor Östman, Development leader – Municipality of Luleå
Social and psychological well-being in dialogic education: insights from the BRDIGE project
- Ylva Backman, PhD, Associate professor of Education specialising in Special Needs Education – Luleå University of Technology
The workshop focuses on learning about strategies for attracting and retaining skilled workers, particularly immigrants, to meet the evolving demands of the job market. Participants will explore various methodologies to attract talents, ensure successful integration, and maintain a sustainable influx of competencies. The session will include case studies from member municipalities, showcasing best practices and innovative solutions in talent attraction and retention. Interactive discussions will allow attendees to exchange experiences and ideas on overcoming common challenges in this area.
How to improve the attraction of a public organisation and its territory
- Daniele Cristoforetti, General manager – Unione Terre d’Argine
- Paola Guerzoni, Educational council member – Unione Terre d’Argine
Skills Supply in Luleå – How do we meet the challenges in a region in transition?
- Eva Jonsson, Process Leader Skills Supply – Municipality of Luleå
This session explores best practices for managing water resources in the face of climate change. It will showcase successful initiatives and projects that have effectively addressed water scarcity and flood management, providing practical insights for implementation.
Climate impact on water management in Luleå
- Petra Viklund, Head of water and wastewater department – Luleå mijöresurs, LUMIRE
Creation of the digital twin of the waterworks and sewerage systems
Elena Bocciarelli, Member of the Engineering Department, technical area – Emiliambiente
Kleidis Tafaruci, Remote Control Manager, Engineering Department – Emiliambiente
14.00 – 16.00 Meeting of the SERN Board of Auditors (only for the members of the Board of Auditors)
Parallel study visits:
14.00 – 16.30
Port of Luleå: The Port of Luleå is the whole region’s sustainable link to the world and is 1 of 5 Swedish ports with EU Core network status. The Port of Luleå is a proud community builder and an important enabler for industry, commerce and life in northern Sweden. It endeavours above all to make sure that Luleå will continue to be a vibrant maritime city for future generations. Welcome to the Port of Luleå!
14.00 – 16.30
Secondary Schools in Luleå and Kulturskolan: The Municipality of Luleå invests in children’s cultural activities through Kulturskolan (School of the Arts) which offers courses in music, dance, theatre, media and art. The courses could both take place in schools during the daytime and at Kulturskolan in the afternoons and evenings. Luleå Kulturskola is free of charge for the students and is a good national example, having received several awards. In Sweden ”Kulturskola” is mainly a voluntary activity for children and young people who want to practice culture and arts of various kinds. Most culture schools have their roots in the municipal music schools that started in the 1960s-70s. The cultural schools have quite close cooperation with, for example, elementary schools or leisure activities. We will visit the school’s premises for a tour and receive information about the activities. Hopefully, we’ll meet some kids playing music or dancing!
Digidel Center & Art Gallery (Konsthallen): Luleå´s digital room. Digidelcenter works to increase the digital competence of the elderly, staff and others. Here, you can ask questions about how you use your mobile, tablet or computer. It is a place where people can come to get help with digital technology, but also seek new knowledge and learn to navigate the digital world. For example, how to download an app, how to use social media or what a secure password on the internet looks like. Both beginners and experienced digital users are welcome. There is a common method of development and platform so that the municipalities providing Digidelcenter services can quickly learn from each other and exchange experiences. Art Gallery in Kulturens hus, located in the heart of the center of Luleå, presents art exhibitions all year round. The Luleå Biennale is an international art biennial that takes place every two years. The Luleå Biennale has been organised in Norrbotten since 1991 and is one of Scandinavia’s oldest art biennales. The 2024 edition of the Luleå Biennale highlights the drastic changes taking place in Norrbotten’s nature and built environment based on the intersection between art and architecture.
17.30 – 18.30 Meeting of the SERN Executive Board
Friday 24 May 2024
08.45 – 09.15: Welcome
- Jonas Gunnarsson, Member of the SERN Executive Board, Municipality of Piteå
Parallel workshops:
09.15 – 11.00
The seminar aims to explore the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in school education. The focus will be on understanding how AI is changing teaching methods. We will also discuss ethical considerations associated with AI in education. This seminar is open to educators, administrators and stakeholders interested in the practical implications of integrating AI in the classroom.
Beyond F(AI)th: AI in the classroom and beyond
- Katarina Sperling, PhD Student – University of Linköping
From Tacit Knowledge to Literate Practitioner: AI Changes Teaching Practice
- Kristin Egestål, Teacher leader and Learning Technologist – Kunskapsförbundet Väst
- Niklas Karlsson, Teacher leader and Learning Technologist – Kunskapsförbundet Väst
Looking ahead at AI, education and society
- Johan Falk – Director of Education | Head of AI and education, Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket)
09.15 – 09.35
Presentation about the Green Industries Project
- Beatrice Ramnerö, Project Manager Green Industries – Municipality of Piteå
09.35 – 11.10
This session emphasises the importance of education and awareness-raising in water use and preservation. It aims to explore various educational tools and campaigns that have been effective in increasing public awareness and participation in water strategies, especially in the context of climate change.
The School of Water. Dripping water hollows out stone
- Ilaria Gandolfi, Communication officer – Emiliambiente
Diga di Ridracoli and the water resource: a local best practice
- Sonia Geromino, EU Project Designer – Gal L’Altra Romagna
(In)finite waters – preschool children as connoisseurs engage in environmental issues
Workshop: We are in this together – (in)finite water
- Teresa Elkin Postila, PhD,, Senior Lecturer at the department of Education – Mid Sweden University
Parallel workshops:
11.15 – 12.00
A meeting designed for SERN contact persons from member organisations. The seminar aims to enhance their understanding and skills in three key areas: effective interaction with the SERN secretariat, efficient dissemination of information within their respective member organisations, and the processes involved in developing collaborations in the network. This session will provide practical guidance, tools, and strategies to strengthen the capacity of SERN contact persons in their key roles.
- SERN Secretariat
11.15 – 12.00
This seminar aims to introduce a new SERN initiative: Voices of Heritage. Emphasizing a bottom-up approach, the initiative seeks to engage citizens in identifying and promoting both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. With a local and transnational dimension, Voices of Heritage aims to establish an open platform for widespread participation and citizen involvement. Key components include digital engagement strategies, youth participation initiatives, and the facilitation of local workshops.
- SERN Secretariat
Parallel study visit:
13.00 – 15.30
- Piteå Learning Center: At the Learning Center, students from various educational levels and backgrounds gather. Here, individuals studying at elementary and high school levels, Swedish for immigrants, vocational training, and customised adult education come together. It is also a place where students from the University of Applied Sciences, whether they study on-site or through distance/satellite programs, can be found. Additionally, it is open to those pursuing higher education through university, college, or vocational school via distance learning and is registered in the municipality of Piteå. Participants will also visit the University Organ, one of the most modern organs in the world.
- Windpark of Markbygden – Europe’s largest land-based wind park. In Markbygden, Europe’s largest onshore wind farm is currently being established. Approximately 500 wind turbines are now completed. In parallel, Enercon is advancing work on phase 2, while planning for the remaining phases is ongoing. When fully developed by 2025, the park is estimated to contain 700-800 wind turbines. The trend is towards fewer but taller turbines with greater capacity. The fully developed park will produce 10-12 terawatt-hours (TWh), equivalent to about 6-8 percent of Sweden’s total electricity production. The total investment volume amounts to approximately 60 billion SEK. During the establishment phase, around 500-700 job opportunities are created, and during the operational phase over the next 25 years, approximately 200 people will work in service, operation, and maintenance of the wind farm.
15.30 – 17.30 General Assembly Session 2024
Opening of the Session
- Approval of the order of business
Opening speech, Chairperson of the SERN Executive Board, Cecilia Burenby
- Minutes of the 2023 session
- SERN Annual Report 2023
Speech of the Ambassador of Italy to the Kingdom of Sweden, Michele Pala
- Financial Report 2023 and Report of the Board of Auditors 2023
- Budget 2024
Speech of the Member of the Executive Board Region Norrbotten, Birgitta Johansson Huuva
- Review of the SERN Strategy 2021 – 2027
- Venue of the 2025 Session
Adjournment and closing of the Session
17:30-19:10 Sagor & Äventyr performance (Fairy tales & adventures), Christinasalen
Thursday 11 May 2023
08.30: Registration opens
09. 00: Opening of the GA 2023
- Massimo Medri – Mayor of Cervia Municipality
- Gert-Inge Andersson – Chairman of the SERN Executive Board, City of Trollättan
9.15-11.00: Upskilling in school education through international mobility – parallel sessions
The programme Erasmus+ offers an important opportunity to bring positive and long-lasting effects on primary and secondary school staff, Early Childhood Education and Care staff and pedagogical coordinators: the learning mobility of individuals. The variety of mobility activities, such as job-shadowing and participation in structured training courses, have the main objective to improve competences, to increase capacity to trigger changes in term of international opening within their educational organisation while fostering a better quality of teachers’ work with children and pupils.
The seminar will focus on successful strategies to effectively carry out different types of mobility activities abroad, also thanks to the testimonies and feedback from numerous SERN members who have actively participated in this activity.
- Laura Avanzi, SERN Secretariat, Introduction to Erasmus+ Mobility Projects
- Daniele Chitti Municipality of Imola, To be hosting and sending partner
- Paola Forte, Municipality of Imola, Visit Piteå – a jobshadowing experience
- Roberto Rossi, Liceo Moro – Reggio Emilia; the DEEDS Project
- Maria Rita Ferretti and Cecilia Leonardi, Istituto Superiore Gobetti – Scandiano, Smiling teachers, smiling students
9.15 – 11.00: LOCAL GREEN DEALS – City planning and climate adaptation
City planning and climate adaptation are essential for creating more sustainable and resilient cities in the face of climate change. Local green deals can be a powerful tool for achieving these goals by promoting sustainable development, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing resilience to climate impacts. Through case studies/best practices, and group discussions, participants will gain a better understanding of the key strategies and principles involved in developing successful local green deals, and how to engage with communities and stakeholders to create lasting change.
- Nicola Catellani, Network Coordinator – SERN, Local Green Deals Approach
- Cornelia Sörman, Urban Planning Department, Municipality of Vänersborg, Adapting to coastal flooding when redeveloping Sanden
- Caterina Girelli, Municipality of Cervia, Planning strategies for city resilience
- Daniele Capitani, Municipality of Ravenna, The importance of the ecological network in climate change
- Elisa Spada, Environment and sustainable mobility, Municipality of Imola, Interdisciplinarity between sectors and transversality of policies as a strategy for climate adaptation
11.15-13.00: Promoting Digital Inclusion for Marginalised Groups – session 1
The seminar aims to explore the challenges and opportunities of ensuring that marginalised groups have equal access to digital technologies and services provided by public administrations.
The seminar focuses on best practices already implemented by SERN members and Cypriot organisations in the framework of the Digital Trainers Project. Participants will be provided with practical examples and knowledge to promote new strategies in their community, contributing to a more equitable and inclusive society.
11.00-13.00: Internationalising Schools with Erasmus+ – BE+ multiplier event
The workshop is designed to provide practical guidance and support to schools looking to boost their international dimension. This workshop aims to provide participants with the knowledge and tools to develop a successful international strategy and take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ Programme. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a better understanding of the key steps to develop an international strategy in schools/preschools and how to apply for and participate in Erasmus+ projects, thanks to the tools developed by the BE+ project.
- Nicola Catellani, SERN Secretariat, capacity building and BE+
- Joakim Hellgren, Municipality of Luleå, the BE+ Project
- Simone Mazza, IC Guatelli – Collecchio, the school’s path
11.00-13.00: Local Green Deals – Planning Local Food System
There is a pressing need to increase awareness of local and regional authorities, and other stakeholders about the potential of food and urban food systems in climate change adaptation and mitigation. The food value chain is strongly affected by the activities and policies of local public actors across its different stages: primary production, agro-food processing, distribution & retail, consumption and waste management. The seminar will provide an opportunity for reflection and discussions about how municipal departments can play a key role both as a stakeholder and driver through coordinated action.
- Eva Rådander, Municipality Mjölby, A food Experience Center, A unique experience centre and learning environment for everyone who is interested in food, its significance and its production.
- Merja Willman, Municipality of Norrköping, Sustainable food systems
- Giuseppina Campo, Meldola Municipality, Organic Food in schools
14.00-17.00: Study Visit – Education (Cervia)
Participants will visit schools of different grades. Among them, is the Buonarroti Primary School, where it is possible to visit the didactic garden and where Pacifico, a small ginkgo biloba born from the seeds of a tree that survived the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, is located. It is the only Italian school that is carrying out meetings between pupils and bomb survivors and won a prize in the Comuni Fioriti competition in 2021. Participants also have the opportunity to attend the closing presentation of the activities of the Girls’ and Boys’ Municipal Council (Lower Middle School) in the Municipal Council Hall.
14.00-17.00: Study Visit – Green & Sustainability (Cervia)
The visit will focus on a series of interventions related to urban regeneration and climate change adaptation actions, which are closely linked to the guiding planning tools. Participants will visit the urban regeneration project of Piazza Premi Nobel in Pinarella and climate walks implemented thanks to the Adriadapt Ita-Cro project; the new Milano Marittima promenade, viale Matteotti and the rain gardens.
14.00-17.00: Study Visit – Digital Inclusion (Ravenna)
The Municipality of Ravenna has carried out an Urban Innovative Action, the DARE project: a highly innovative urban project in the field of Digital transition. DARE started-up a new approach to urban regeneration based on digital participatory tools, and digital storytelling, in order to accelerate the regeneration of the Darsena district, based on a multi-stakeholder collaborative platform. During the study visit we plan to show the participants the fascinating neighbourhood of the Darsena, and explain the participation activities carried out and the DARE project results. Moreover participants will be directly involved in the youth participation activity with teenagers and youth, that have started -up and are implementing a podcasting platform based on inclusion and multiculturalism.
17.30 – 18.30: SERN Executive Board
18.00 – 19.00: Networking Aperitif
The Secretariat will organise a “networking aperitif”, a moment opens to all organisations with discussions on topics of common interest from which to gather inputs for future projects and collaborations among members. The session will be held in an informal context, with small groups discussing around possible future proposals. The networking aperitif will begin with presentations of project ideas from participants, then each project idea will be assigned a table where the discussion will continue more in depth. The participants can decide to present a project idea that they want to discuss with other organizations or join a table with the topic of their interest.
Friday 12 May 2023
- Learning how to browse the SERN Members’ Area;
- Introduction to Project Cycle Management
9.30-13.00: Improving Quality in ECEC through Pedagogical Innovation – parallel sessions
When we look to innovate and increase quality in sectors like early education, where the challenges and demands are consistent over time, and the systems and structures are hard to shift, the focus will be especially on making changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods and ideas. Starting from this assumption, we want to present methodologies and methods developed in 4 different projects, which can provide teachers and educators with new tools to innovate and improve pre-school service. This session expects participants to reflect together with pedagogues and teachers directly involved in the project activities on: the narrative approach; the role of the teachers in play activities; the storytelling and digital learning; the pedagogy of outdoor education.
Géraldine Libreau, DG EAC, European Commission, European priorities for ECEC
- Daniele Chitti, Municipality of Imola, Enhancing Students’ learning processes through the Peer-to-peer education, starting from the children’s natural interests – Multiplier event NARRATE Projct
- Daniele Chitti and Miriam Mongardi, Municipality of Imola, Enhancing Students’ learning processes through the Narrative Approach in Education, starting from
the children’s natural interests – Multiplier event NARRATE Project - Ida Dahlqvist, Linköping Municipality and Francesca Tarantola, Parma Municipality, Play-based learning – Multiplier event PLAYING Project
- Francesca Lanzoni, Unione Terre d’Argine, Pia Mattson and Martina Hellström from Vänersborg Municipality, Beneficial aspects of outdoor education
- Fabiola Crudeli, Municipality of Meldola, Developing languages in preschool
10.00-12.00: Seminar “Promoting Digital Inclusion for Marginalised Groups” – session 2
The second session of the seminar about digital inclusion will focus on the analysis of strengths and replicability of the practices previously presented.
11-00-12.30: Local Green Deals – Sustainability in Tourism
This workshop aims to provide public authorities with the knowledge and tools to promote sustainable tourism practices in their communities, with a focus on the concept of local green deals. The local green deal approach and sustainable tourism are closely related concepts that share a common goal of promoting sustainable development and reducing the environmental impact of tourism activities. When combined, the local green deal approach and sustainable tourism can help communities develop a sustainable tourism industry that benefits both the environment and local communities.
- Simona Melchiorri, Municipality of Cervia, The contribution of EU funded projects to sustainable tourism: UPREST, Culturecovery, Arca Adriatica”
- Maria Pia Pagliarusco, Municipality of Cervia, Sustainable tourism: projects and involvement of the community
- Johan Olofsson, Svensk Destinationsutveckling, Regional tourism frameworks for local green deals
- Torbjörn Nilsson, City of Trollhättan, Biodiversity as a mean to promote local tourism-experiences from the City of Trollhättan
13.30-15.30: Showcasing
The European Union has declared 2023 as the “EU Year of Skills” to promote and support the development of skills and competencies necessary for an innovative and competitive Europe.
The session aims to showcasing Members’ best practices related to the European Year of Skills, Members will have the opportunity to get to know new practices and make them known.
- Community Education Pact – a document indicating the projects and activities carried out within the school and promoted by subjects in the ‘educating community’: the municipality, associations, informal groups, sports clubs and businesses in the area that are interested in the future of the children of Cavriago. Municipality of Cavriago
- Evikomp – a model for competence development for staff in health and social care with workplace learning as a method. Evikomp thus aims at skills development for staff in health and social care. The model also contributes to meeting current and future needs for expertise in health and social care activities. Municipality of Linköping.
13.30-15.30: Promoting Digital Inclusion for Marginalised Groups – session 3
The third session of the seminar about digital inclusion will be focused on identifying possible topics of collaboration for future initiatives and projects in the network
15.30-18.00: GENERAL ASSEMBLY – 2023 SESSION
- Opening of the Session and approval of the order of business
- Institutional greetings, Mayor of Cervia Municipality, Massimo Medri
- Opening speech, Chairman of the SERN Executive Board, Gert-Inge Andersson
- Approval of the minutes of the 2022 session
- Speech of the Swedish Ambassador, Jan Björklund
- Speech of the Councilor for Tourism, Emilia-Romagna Region, Andrea Corsini
- SERN Annual Report 2022
- Financial Report 2022
- Report of the Board of Auditors 2022
- Budget 2023
- Election of the SERN Executive Board 2023-2025
- Election of the SERN Board of Auditors 2023-2025
- Venue of the 2024 Session
- Closing Speech, Vice Chairman of the SERN Executive Board, Lubiano Montaguti
- Adjournment and closing of the Session
18.15-19.00: SERN Executive Board – Constitutive Session
Wednesday 11 May 2022
9.15-11.30: Seminar: “Sustainable mobility through public service in low demand areas”
The main question addressed by the seminar will be how to identify new solution to facilitate mobility to/from many small villages in rural and mountain areas. They are far from larger urban big centres and it is difficult to manage a public transportation service, as they are low demand areas and a regular public transport service can be difficult to sustain in the long run from an economical point of view. What kind of alternatives can be promoted and implemented in order to provide an alternative mean of transport to people who cannot use individual cars such as students and old people?
- Andrea Ruffini, Manager – Province of Parma (presentation)
- Jakob Klasander, Senior Adviser – Östgötatrafiken AB (presentation)
- Ronny Svensson, Development Officer – Orust Municipality (presentation)
- Marco Taccagni, Councillor – Province of Parma
10.30 – 12.45: Seminar on youth participation and local democracy
The Covid-19 pandemic affected negatively young people and their participation within the society. The dialogue with public authorities, education institutions and youth associations is vital to re-establish a positive outlook for European young people and to improve their civic involvement, their participation in the democratic life and their engagement in the political and social framework. Reinforce democratic awareness and develop participation are two major aims for European societies to help young people to become active and engaged citizens and realise a sustainable democracy. The seminar focuses on possible actions to be taken in a post-pandemic framework to reach a complete and inclusive participation of young people in the society and to promote opportunities to let them become actors of change. This topic is strictly linked to the aims of the European Commission when proposed 2022 as Year of Youth.
- Introduction to the topic: the political approach to the youth policy in Ale Municipality – Mikael Berglund Mayor – Ale Municipality and Monica Samuelsson – Ale Municipality
- Ale Youth Council: the cooperation and dialogue with local public authorities
- Bridging the political level with younger people: some experiences from Linköping Municipality for the European Year of Youth – Lovisa Mercurio and David Burman, Youth Ambassadors – Linköping Municipality
- Examples of participate approach to youth actions: community radio, CinemaSuono project and creative art experiences – Cervia Municipality
- How young people are involved in drawing up a local development strategy, Sinikka Koivumaki – Liiveri (FI)
11.30-12.30: Presentation of the SERN Training Activities 2022 with focus on how to use the SERN Members’ Area
The SERN Strategy 21-27 has identified capacity building in the network as one of the key elements upon which constructing and developing further cooperation among the members. The SERN Secretariat has therefore developed a set of training activities reflecting and building on the needs identified and expressed by and among the members over the years in relation to different aspects of the project-based activities. The proposed courses will address project design and planning, project management and activities that will enhance the capacity of the member to become active actors in the context of SERN and therefore enhance the capacity to take advantage of the membership of your organisation.
It will be also provided an overview on the SERN Members’ Area on Microsoft Teams, the online main tool through which information is shared and circulated within the Network.
11.30-12.30: Presentation of results of ongoing and recently completed projects
DEEDS – Modelling a European cross-curricular study programme for upper secondary schools (2020-2023)
The project aims to promote a new model of collaboration between upper secondary schools based on study abroad activities for both short and long-term mobility periods for students.
- Gunilla Linder, Principal – Folkungaskolan Linköping
- Nicola Catellani – Network Coordinator – SERN
NARRATE – Building a narrative approach fostering collaboration between preschools and libraries
The project aims to foster quality in preschool developing the narrative approach and improving the collaboration between preschools and libraries.
- Daniele Chitti, Director of Education Services – Imola Municipality
- Laura avanzi, Project Officer – SERN Secretariat
13.45-16.45: Study Visit – Passalen
Passalen is a non- profit association working to develop new solutions to create inclusion for children and young people with disabilities. The association is established in Gothenburg, Mölndal, Kungsbacka, North Stockholm and Haninge. The aim of Passalen is to carry out activities that are accessible and self-chosen in the company of others fostering participation as well as activities that generates self-confidence and self- esteem. For example, Passalen carries out activities such as a sailing camp in the beginning of the summer and numerous opportunities to meet during the easter holidays.
14.00 – 15.30: Showcasing sustainable tourism strategies in Sweden
- Fredrik Lindén (CEO) and Marie Linde, Västsvenska turistrådet, “Stepping up sustainability tourism” (presentation)
- Anki Sande (CEO) Gunnebo slott (presentation)
Thursday 12 May 2022
09.00-11.00: Discussion-based Workshop: “Coping with emergency and uncertainty in local pre-school and school systems”
We were surprised by the arrival of the pandemic in 2020; each country reacted in different way, but the common elements that have been emerging in both countries indicate was that we were not ready, not only because we weren’t able to anticipate such a situation, but because our school system didn’t have a model to cope with emergencies and uncertainties. What have we learnt in the last two years that could be turned into a model to be applied locally for future unexpected emergencies, even different from a pandemic? How could we change the management and the equipment/facilities of the preschool and school system in order to be more resilient in facing emergencies?
Introductory remarks:
- Erik Östman, Chairman of the City Council Committee for Youth and Children – Linköping Municipality (presentation)
- Daniele Chitti, Director of educational services – Imola Municipality (presentation)
Seminar on digital innovation and digitalization strategies in local authorities
The seminar will be aimed at addressing the way in which local authorities address the challenges linked to digital transformation in the local context. The main focus will be on the strategies and plans adopted to implement them effectively. Key questions addressed will pertain the main challenges that have been emerging inside the organisations as well as externally such as the engagement strategies towards citizens.
- Nicola Catellani – SERN (presentation)
- Rasmus Ländström, Head of IT Development – City of Trollhättan (presentation)
- Daniele Cristoforetti, General Director – Unione Terre d’argine (presentation)
- Magnus Lindh, Senior Lecturer – Karlstad University (presentation)
- Stefania Gambi – ICC Consortium contact person – Ravenna Municipality (presentation) (presentation)
11-00-12.00: Training activities: “How to read an EU call”
The course, part of the set of training activities offered by the SERN Secretariat, provides an introduction on how to identify and interpret the different elements present in a EU call for proposals from some of the most relevant Programmes for SERN members. The course will also guide the participants through the use of the Tenders and Funding portal of the European Union.
- Luc Baardman – Senior Advisor, Capgemini (presentation)
Seminar “Sustainable energy policies at local level”
The seminar will look at how local and regional authorities are increasingly becoming important players as drivers of energy policy processes. On the one hand, such processes are aimed at fostering sustainable solutions and energy saving practices among their citizens. On the other hand, local authorities have to ensure their public services and therefore need to adopt policies themselves aimed at ensuring a more effective and sustainable local public spending related to energy consumption.
- Patrik Dokken, Energy and Climate Advisor – Trollhättan and Vänersborg Municipality (presentation)
- Mats Bjälkholm, Director, Energikontor Väst (presentation)
- Ivano Dinapoli, Funding and EU Policies Unit, Parma Municipality (presentation)
Jan Owe-Larsson, Region Östergötland
13.30-15.30: PARTNERING CAFE’
The Secretariat will organise a “networking café”, a moment opens to all organisations where inputs for new projects will be shared in an informal context with the objective of initiating discussion around possible future proposals. The networking café will begin with presentations of project ideas from participants, then each project idea will be assigned a table where the discussion will continue more in depth. The participants can decide to present a project idea that they want to discuss with other organizations or join a table with the topic of their interest.
13.30-15.30: Presentation of results of ongoing and recently completed projects
TRANSIT – Training paths for adults on sustainable mobility (2021-2023)
The project aims at raising awareness about sustainable mobility through the development of informal training paths by stressing the importance of using more sustainable means of transportations.
- Magnus Lindh, Senior Lecturer – Karlstad University (presentation)
BRAND-EU – Acquiring place branding competences at work through continuing VET to increase the attractiveness of European cities (2018-2021)
The project aimed at raising the attractiveness of European cities through the exchange of best practices on the place branding strategies designed and implemented by in order to create more favourable condition for local development.
- Ginevra Roli, Project Officer – SERN
- Ronny Svensson, Development Officer, Orust Municipality
PART-HER – European network for a participated valorisation of cultural heritage (2019-2021)
The project contributed to the development of a participated approach to cultural heritage at European level fostering the role of citizens in choosing the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of their territory
- Laura Avanzi, Project Officer – SERN
DEHORS – Developing innovative learning context in pre-schools’ outdoors spaces (2018-2021):
The project focused on the improvement of pre-school quality developing and enhancing knowledge about the design and planning of learning environments outdoor.
9.30 Call to order, opening of the Session and approval of the order of business
Opening Speech of Mr Lubiano Montaguti, Chair of the SERN Executive Board, Municipality of Meldola;
- Approval of the minutes of the 2020 session
- SERN Strategy 2021-2027
Speech of Ms Helenè Fritzon, Member of the European Parliament
Speech of Mr Gaudenzio Garavini, Director of the Association Polytechnic School ITS Emilia-Romagna
- SERN Annual Report 2020
- Financial Report 2020
- Report of the Board of Auditors 2020
- Budget proposal 2021
10.45-11.00 Virtual Coffee Break
- Election of the Members of the SERN Executive Board 2021-2023
- Election of the Members of the Board of Auditors 2021-2023
- Venue of the 2022 Session
Closing remarks, Mr Gert-Inge Andersson, Vice Chairman of the SERN Executive Board, Municipality of Trollhättan
12.00 Adjournment and Closing of the Session
12.05 SERN Executive Board Meeting
9.00 Online registration opens
10.00 Call to order and opening of the Session
Opening Speech of Mr Lubiano Montaguti, Chair of the SERN Executive Board, Municipality of Meldola;
- Approval of the Minutes GA 2019
- Approval of the Minutes GA 2019
Speech of Prof. Elisabetta Gualmini, Member of the European Parliament;
Speech of Ms Gunnel Rydholm Olsson, Director of the Swedish Erasmus+ National Agency, Department of International Cooperation of the Swedish Council for Higher Education(UHR);
- Financial Report 2019 and budget 2020
- SERN Board of Auditors report 2019
- Venue of the 2021 Session
Closing speech of Mr Gert-Inge Andersson, Vice Chairman of the SERN Executive Board, Municipality of Trollhättan;
- Adjournment and Closing of the Session
- Adjournment and Closing of the Session
You can download here the Draft Minutes of the Session
Corte di Giarola, Strada Giarola 9 – Collecchio
Shuttle bus from Hotel Campus to Corte di Giarola at 8.45 and at 9.00
8.30-9.15 Registration opens
9.20 Opening of the GA 2019 – Agostino Maggiali, Parchi del Ducato and Nicola Catellani, SERN
9.30-12.30 Seminar session – Room 1 – first floor
9.40-10.30 Presentation on culture as a driver for local development: Parma Italian Capital of Culture 2020, Gabriele Righi and Marco Giorgi, Parma Municipality
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break – Room 2
11.00-12.15 Future of the European Union – Combating Euroscepticism through the participation of citizens
Marco Baldassari, European College Foundation
The Swedish perspective – Pascal Tshibanda, Municipality of Vänersborg
12.15-13.45 Lunch
13.45-15.30 Seminar on project results in the field of Education and Learning developed in the SERN Network
Theme: Improving the School Curriculum
– More Project– Francesca Cilloni and Roberto Rossi, Liceo Scientifico “A. Moro” Reggio Emilia
Theme: Outdoor education in pre-schools
– Dehors Project – Yvonne Larsen and Marie Stråhlin, Municipality of Motala
– SiaProd project – Daniele Chitti, Municipality of Imola
15.45-17.30 Study visits
Option 1: to Vislab – company for the development of machine vision algorithms for automation field
Option 2: Visit to Sidel company – packaging design for solutions and services for beverage, food, home and personal care
15.00-16.00 Staff of the SERN Secretariat is available for meeting with members – Room 4
16.00-18.00 Meeting Board of Auditors – Room 4
19.00 Departure by bus to Sala Baganza from Campus Hotel
20.00 Dinner – Il Palazzo restaurant
Corte di Giarola, Strada Giarola 9 – Collecchio
Shuttle bus from Hotel Campus to Corte di Giarola at 8.45 and at 9.00
9.00-9.30 Registrations
9.30-10.30 Seminar on the results of the first experiences of peer review within the SERN Network in the field of ECEC – Room 1
– Focus on pre-school education services.
The experience of Forlì – Patrizia Zanobi, Forlì Municipality
The experience of Motala – Carina Berger Svensson and Carina Ekholm, Motala Municipality
– Focus on Outdoor Education – Mariangela Leni and Benedetta Gazza, Union of Municipalities Val d’Enza
10.15-11.30 Partnering Cafè – Arcade
Project ideas presented:
– Sport as a tool for social inclusion (Consorzio Icaro)
– Eco-Museum (Consorzio Icaro)
– TAKE PART – integrate migrants and refugees in the local communities (Consorzio Icaro)
– Work based learning abroad for schools, training centers and public authorities (Uniser)
– Mobiliteach Summer School: a new edition? (Uniser)
– Digitalization in school and care (Ale Kommun)
– The influence of young people in society (Ale Kommun)
– Cultural heritage for social sustainability (Ale Kommun)
– Agriculture and local sustainable development (Comune di Imola)
10.30-11.00 Coffee break – Room 2
10.45-11.45 Seminar on project results developed in the SERN Network – Theme: Inclusion of migrants and refugees – Room 1
– Dekolla project – Livio Benedetto, City of Trollhättan
– WIR project – Pascal Tshibanda, Vänersborg Municipality
– Backpack ID project – Nicola Catellani, SERN and Simone Mazza, Guatelli School
11.45-12.30 Seminar on project results developed in the SERN Network – Theme: Welfare and elderly care – Room 1
– Demetra project – Stefania Miodini and Domenico Sgromo, ASP Ad Personam
13.00-14.15 Lunch
Optional – from 13.15 to 14.15 guided visit to Pasta and Tomato Museums
13.30-14.30 Staff of the SERN Secretariat is available for meeting with members – Room 4
14.30-15.30 Seminar on digital infrastructure and local development – Room 1
Alfredo Peri, Lepida
Lars Svensson, Municipality of Vänersborg
14.00-15.00 Seminar on values within SERN presented by members of the Executive Board – Room 3 (Theater)
15.30-17.30 Study Visits:
Option 1: to the Museum “Ettore Guatelli” – museum for rural culture heritage
Option 2: Visit to wine Museum and Castle in Sala Baganza
15.30-17.30 SERN Executive Board meeting – Room 1
19.00 Departure from Hotel Campus to Magnani Rocca Foundation in Traversetolo
20.00 SERN GA 2019 Official Dinner at Magnani Rocca
Corte di Giarola, Strada Giarola 9 – Collecchio
Shuttle bus from Hotel Campus to Corte di Giarola at 8.45 and 9.00
9.00 Registrations
9.30-12.00 General Assembly 2019
Back to Collecchio by bus
12.00 Lunch at Melograno restaurant
13:30-14.30 SERN Executive Board meeting – Hotel Campus
Departure of the delegations
The 2018 SERN General Assembly took place in Linköping from the 17th to the 19th of May.
Hotel Scandic City Frimurare, Sankt Larsgatan 14, Linköping
8.00 Registration opens
9.00 Opening of the GA 2018 (St Lars Room)
9.15-12.00 Seminar 1 – Migration and inclusion
Seminar 1 – Migration and inclusion (Five 20-minute-long seminars in parallel and a follow up seminar in each room at 11.40
1.Drivbänk- a green initiative for education and inclusion – Saturnus Room
Linköping municipality and the Coordination Association of Central Östergötland, Department of Labour market &Integration – Speakers: Mathias Bergström, Helen Paulsson – Chair: Jakob Björneke
2.INTED Integration through education and information – Uranus Room
Unione Val d’Enza and Linkoping Municipality – Elisabetta Zen, Mats Mikiver – Chair: Norberto Vignali
3.SIDEIS Educational Contexts fostering inclusion – Tellus Room
Linköping Municipality Speakers: Cecilia Björklund, Mats Fahlén – Chair: Paola Guerzoni
4.Education processes – and Prevention of Early School Drop outs – Pluto Room
Trollhättan Municipality/Innovatum – Speaker: Martin Wänblom, Kajsa Berg – Chair: Esther O’Hara
5.IT- Guide, inclusion project – Månen Room
Motala Municipality – Speaker: Gunilla Lundberg – Chair: Elias Georges
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
12.15-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.45 Seminar 2 – Project development and implementation in SERN – St. Lars
The process overview on PCM methodology, SERN Secretariat
Presentation of ongoing projects in SERN: EVOLAQ, BAGS4YOUTH.
14.45-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-17.00 Study visits integration and inclusion
A) Drivbänk, Vreta Kluster education for people seeking work in green sector especially cultivation. and Göta Canal
B) Adjunkten, Reception unit of the Municipality for pupils with a foreign background
C) Vallastaden – The future way of building, housing and living, Sweden’s biggest urban living expo followed by a visit to Vallastadens skola grade 4-6 and classes with children with special needs
16.00-18.00 Meeting Board of Auditors – Neptunus Room
19.30 Dinner at the hotel
The presence of Italian migrant workers at Saab in Linköping between 1951-1958
Presentation made by Mr. Lars Danielsson
Hotel Scandic City Frimurare
8.45-9.30 Seminar 3 – Peer review methodology – St Lars Room
9.30-10.30 Networking Café – Hotel Lobby
10.30-12.30 Seminar 4 – Promotion of Cultural Heritage and local development (Three 20-minute-long seminars in parallel and a follow up seminar in each room at 11.45)
1. The role of Museums Network in the Preservation and Promotion of Cultural and Landscape Heritage
Tellus Room
Parma Municipality – Speaker: Dario Naddeo
Chair: Paolo Bianchi – Parma Province
2. Cultural heritage and Arts in the digital era – Pluto Room
Linköping municipality – Speakers Tina Karlsson, Lars Ove Östensson.
Region Östergötland – Petra Nordin Carlsson
Chair: Cecilia Gyllenberg Bergfasth
3. How our local food culture and cultural heritage can contribute to regional development – Månen Room
Region Östergötland – Speakers Susanne Fredriksson – Chair: Julie Tran
12.30-13.45 Lunch
13.45-17.00 Seminar 5 – Challenges ahead in the care sector (Three 20-minute-long seminars in parallel and a a follow-up seminar in each room at 14.45)
- “My best moments” Digital Living Report – How can new technologies contribute to a more person-centered care of the people affected by dementia – Pluto Room
Linköping Municipality – Speaker: Kerstin Angvik – Chair: Päivi Johansson - Montessori method applied to elderly care – Uranus Room
Asp Ad Personam Parma – Speaker: Stefania Miodini– Chair: Marcello Mendogni - Recruiting immigrants and other unemployed to the Care sector – Månen Room
Linköping Municipality – Speakers: Malin Robertsson, Mats Ericsson – Chair: Jakob Björneke
- “My best moments” Digital Living Report – How can new technologies contribute to a more person-centered care of the people affected by dementia – Pluto Room
Study visits related to culture elderly care and dementia
A) Sandrinoparken – Lärcenter (Elderly Care)
B) Gamla Linköping, open air museum
16.00-17.30 SERN Executive Board – Tellus Room
18.00-19.30 Reception at Linköping Castle, hosted by Governor Elisabeth Nilsson
19.30 Official Dinner at Scandic Linköping City
Linköping City Hall/Stadshuset Storgatan 43
9.00 Registration
9.30-12.00 General Assembly 2018 at Linköping City hall
12.00 Lunch
13:30 Exploring Linköping and surroundings, Guided tour and coffee
The SERN General Assembly 2017 will take place in the Municipality of Forlì form the18th to the 20th of May.
Seminar 1 – Project Cycle Management (9.00 – 10.30)
The seminar aimed at providing an overview of the methodology used within the network to develop projects according to a step-by-step approach based on project cycle management. Issues addressed included how to develop a project idea in the project cycle phases of indicative programming and identification.
- Nicola Catellani – SERN
Seminar 2 – Project presentations, Open Space Session (10.30-12.30)
An opportunity to make short presentations of ongoing EU projects, local projects, current challenges or innovative experiences in one of the five priority areas of the SERN strategy. Possibility of discussion/questions after the presentation in small groups.
- Pascal Tshibanda (Falköping Municipality) – Using narratives, moving imagery and social media to resist xenophobia and bridge the gap between native Swedes and refugees.
- Arianna Boni (Cervia Municipality) – The result of the MOBEC project the results of EU projects in the local social services
- Rita Silimbani (Forlì Municipality) – Building Actions of Guidance Services for Youth Employment Network
- Francesca Bacchiocchi and Fabrizio Chinaglia (Forlì Municipality) – Best practices in the field of energy and environment the Fiesta project
Seminar 3 – Multilingualism in education (14.00-15.15)
As a result of recent migration waves pre-schools and schools have been experiencing the emergence an increasingly multicultural setting. This has posed a number of challenges in terms of organization and learning context. Examples and practice connected to multilingualism as a possible resource to meet the challenges of integration and, more in general, to success in education will be at the center of the seminar.
- Barbara Visani, “Who speaks more languages, lives more lives. Experiences of Multilingualism in the Children’s Schools of Ravenna”, Municipality of Ravenna
- Jilda Sürüp, Norrköping Municipality
Seminar 4 – Enhancing Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care through Participation (15.30-17.30)
Quality in ECEC is the result a variety of elements. International research shows that the parents’ participation is an essential element as it involves elements pertaining communication, mutual learning (for staff and parents), involvement and partnership with the community. Starting off from the results of the EQUAP project the seminar will bring together experiences of participation of families in ECEC from different members of the network
- Massimo Marcuccio and Vesna Balzani (University of Bologna and Municipality of Forlì) – The Equap project (
- Laura Borghi (Unione Terre D’argine) – Practices about participation
- Daniele Chitti (Imola Municipality) – Practices about participation
- Yvonne Larsen and Marie Stråhlin, (Motala Municipality) – Practices about participation
Study visit to “Ferretti Group” (luxury yacht building) (15.00-16.30)
Seminar 5 – Territorial Marketing and place branding (10.00-12.00)
The seminar will present the best practices in relation to effective ways through which promoting and branding a specific territory starting off from the valorization of the different assets.
- Erica Mattson (Swedish Lapland), Territorial marketing and the case of Swedish Lapland
- Giacomo Pini – A case history of place branding in Italy
- Renée Daun (Tillväxt Norra Bohuslän), Territorial Marketing in North Bohuslän
- Monica Fantini (Forlì Municipality) – Territorial marketing strategy in the Romagna, the area of wellbeing
- Susanne Fredriksson (Visit Östergötland), Territorial marketing strategies of the Region Östergötland
- Gabriele Righi (Municipality of Parma) – City branding: Parma as Unesco Creative City of Gastronomy (tbc)
Seminar 6 – Migrants and local communities (16.00-17.30)
The presence of a wide variety of communities from different non-EU countries in our cities and municipalities has been raising needs of new and, more articulated and effective ways of bringing about a successful integration. Which strategies and tools should be developed to increase knowledge about these groups in the local community. The seminar will be an opportunity to share experiences, practices and policies around this theme.
- Lisa Knutsen (Trollhättan Municipality) – The double cup project
- Katarina Andersson (Falköping Municipality) – Vocational training of assistant nurses and bus drivers, with an extended language curriculum for immigrants
- Annalia Guglielmi (Imola Municipality) The project Imola Cultures
SERN General Assembly (9.30-12.00)
Order of Business of the SERN General Assembly
- Call to order
- Opening of the Session and approval of the order of business
- Approval of the minutes of the 2016 session
- SERN Annual Report 2016
- Financial Report 2016
- Report of the Board of Auditors
- Budget Proposal 2017
- Communication Strategy 2017-2019
- Election of the members of the SERN Executive Board 2017-2019
- Election of the members of the Board of Auditors 2017-2019
- Venue of the 2018 Session
- Adjournment and Closing of the Session
The SERN General Assembly 2016 was hosted by the Municipality of Trollhättan. Several activities took place from Thursday 19th to Saturday 21th of May.
Seminar on Project Cycle Management (8.30 – 10.00)
The seminar aimed at providing an overview of the methodology used within the network to develop projects according to a step-by-step approach based on project cycle management. Issues addressed included how to develop a project idea in the project cycle phases of indicative programming and identification.
- Nicola Catellani – SERN
Seminar on Agriculture as a tool for increasing integration and competitiveness
The seminar addressed the issue of employment in rural areas as an important tool to increase integration and social inclusion. In the last year, at EU level, particular attention was paid to the inclusion of young farmers in the sectors to increase, on the one hand, the employment rate and competitiveness of these areas, and on the other hand, to tackle the problem of abandoning rural landscapes. In the meantime, agriculture can offer significant opportunities to involve marginalized categories such as refugees, young people with disabilities or addictions, people with economic difficulties or low contractual capacity. Working in the agriculture sector, can become a way to offer the chance of a “green integration”?
- REN project results and examples of transferring best practices between partnering municipalities – Laura Avanzi (SERN) and Stefania Baratta (Municipality of Pellegrino Parmense)
- Farming experiences for disadvantaged people; Lorenza Felici, CIOFS Emilia Romagna
- Migration in Sweden from a rural perspective; Pascal Tshibanda, Falköping Municipality
- Green integration project in Vänersborg; Per Hasselberg and Anders Friden, Vänersborg Municipality
Study Visits on education welfare (Immigration) and Innovatum
Seminar on integration of migrants in education
The seminar addressed the issue of migration and its impact on local and regional policies. In particular, the contributions focused on the challenges pertaining integration of refugees and, more in general immigrants, in the field of education. Some of the questions addressed were: how a multicultural approach in education can facilitate the integration process? How quality can be improved through fostering the participation of families in the life of the educational services? What new skills should the teachers be equipped with in order to cope with the current situation?
- Cvijetic Svjetlana and Mats Fahlgren, Municipality of Linkoping, The Adjunkten unit and the reception of newly arrived pupils
- Silvia Biglietti, CIOFS Emilia Romagna, Vocational Training and integration of migrants in Emilia Romagna
- Peter Götblad, Municipality of Trollhättan, Parental support from an educational point of view
Seminar on the 50-50 Project
The 50/50 project introduced the themes of environmental sustainability and energy saving at school by making use of a methodology that fosters changes in pupils´ behavior both at school and at home. The seminar was the occasion for the participating schools from Italy and Sweden to meet and share the results of the second year of activity.
The seminar started with presentations from schools and municipalities about the project activities and the savings achieved. Working groups were organized to provide more information about the project. In the afternoon the participants in the project visited two 50/50 schools in Vänersborg and Trollhättan.
- Pre-schools Äppelgården and Nordgärdet– Municipality of Ale
- Primary schools Valli and Bersani and middle school Fiorini – Municipality of Forlì
- Primary school Tärnanskolan – Municipality of Vänersborg
- Lower Secondary school Galilei – Municipality of Cavriago
- Primary school Malmslättsskolan – Municipality of Linköping
- Lower Secondary school Guatelli – Municipality of Collecchio
Seminar on the future of local elderly care policies in ageing communities
The seminar addressed the changing nature of elderly care in the light of current demographic trends and the main challenges the elderly care services at local level are currently facing. In particular, themes addressed included strategies fostering of home care, deinstitutionalization, and the new skills required by the staff to deal with elderly in a multiethnic society
- Presentation of the MOBEC project development in Italy and Sweden Inga Lill Felizia, Norrkoping Municipality and Laura Avanzi, SERN
- Feedback from MOBEC participants in job shadowing activities Synnove Halmstrom, Norrkoping Municipality; Rose-Marie Lindgren, Norrkoping Municipality; Cecilia Nilsson, Linkoping Municipality
- Growing old in a multiethnic society: needs and perspectives Stefania Miodini, Ad Personam – Parma
- Elderly care in Alto Adige: home care strategies and integration Gay Kerschbaumerb, Comunità Oltradige Bassa Atesina
Seminar on industrial conversion and the impact on local development
Due to the economic crisis, a number of large and SME companies have closed / moved. The seminar addressed the implications this has had on some local economic contexts in the network and which responses the local and regional authorities can put in place to relaunch local economic growth through innovation in urban and rural contexts.
- Roberto Silingardi, – Municipality of Scandiano
- Erik Wallin – Position West
SERN General Assembly
Order of Business and Minutes of the Assembly
- Call to order
- Opening of the Session and approval of the order of business
- Approval of the minutes of the 2015 session
- SERN Annual Report 2015
- Financial Report 2015
- Report of the Board of Auditors
- Budget Proposal 2016
- SERN Strategic Guidelines 2016-2018
- Venue of the 2017 Session
- Adjournment and Closing of the Session
The SERN General Assembly 2015 has been hosted by the Unione Terre Verdiane in the municipality of Salsomaggiore. Several activities have been scheduled from thursday 21th to saturday 23th of May. This year the nework has celebrated the 10th general assembly of its life.
Seminar on the Covenant of Mayors (9.30-11.00)
SERN is a support organization of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) since May 2013. Several member municipalities in Italy and Sweden have already signed the agreement which commits public authorities to local sustainable energy actions. The main tool to implement the objectives of the CoM is the preparation and implementation of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP). Speakers from Emilia Romagna, the Norrbotten County Council and from the Municipality of Forlì introduce the implemented activities in order to reach the main goal: the CO2 reduction of 20% by 2020.
- Claudia Cané (Emilia Romagna): The CoM in Emilia Romagna: innovative experiences implemented
- Francesca Ravaioli (Forlì Municipality): Local projects of the SEAP implementation
- Peter Töyrä – Energy saving actions in the County of Norrbotten
Seminar on rural development (9.30-11.00)
Rural development means an improved local and sustainable growth, the involvement of young people in the local economy, the opportunity to increase competitiveness and at the same time to preserve and valorize the local intangible heritage. The speakers have analyzed some of the aspects prioritised at EU level; in particular, the link between rural development, economic growth and environmental sustainability and the involvement and education of young people in the rural sector.
- Carla Cavallini (Europe Direct Emilia Romagna) – EU guidelines on rural developmnet: new elements in the 2014-2020 programme period
- Iris Wetter (Borgo Val di Taro Municipality) – Rural Europe Network, REN project
- Pascal Tshibanda (Falköping Municipality) – Rural Europe Network, REN project
- Anders Bengtsson (Motala Municipality) – Rural development projects for an increased local growth
- Giuliana Colussi (Coop. consortium Leonardo) – Social farming experience
Training, Education and Labour (11.15-12.45)
Coordination between different schools, private actors and public authorities is one of the key tools success both for Jobb- och kunskapstorget and the ATOMS Project. ATOMS is a Leonardo transfer of innovation project and constitutes a best practice in the field of prevention of early school leaving.
- Massimo Peron (CIOFS FP): ATOMS Project contrasting early school leaving – devices skills and territorial approaches
- Per Arnöman (Municipality of Linköping): Jobb och kungskapstorget
Workshop on European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) (11.15-12.45)
ETC aims at strengthening European cohesion and a balanced growth through the European Union. In the framework of the programing period 2014-2020, two dimensions of the ETC are particularly relevant for SERN and its member organizations
1)Transnational Cooperation promotes cooperation among greater European regions, including the ones surrounding sea basins, and facilitates coordinated strategic responses to joint challenges like innovation, transport, competitive of urban and regional contexts
2) Interregional Cooperation provides a framework for the exchange of experiences between local and regional actors from across Europe in order to contribute to the EU’s strategies on growth, jobs and sustainable development.
The workshop has focused on the opportunities offered by ETC, particularly in the field of Transnational cooperation, in the light of the innovations of current programming period.
- Lodovico Gherardi (Emilia Romagna Region)
- Anna Lindberg (Region Östergötland)
Seminar on youg people and well-being (14.30-16.00)
This seminar has focused on the theme well-beeing among young people. To avoid future social esclusion of the youth mental health is important in our communities. It’s time to make a difference and support children and youth where they are and offer tools for creating a life that actually works. With this objective Norrbotten County Council has created the SAM-project. The Municipality of Forlì has present its work on the prevention of the use of moodaltering substances among young people.
- Linda Moestam (Norrbotten County Council): Prepare children and youngsters for life (SAM-Project)
- Edoardo Polidori (AUSL local health authority Forlì): Mood altering substances and public health
- Anders Eriksson (Luleå Municipality): Sportoteket
Seminar on sustainable tourism (14.30-16.00)
Providing a definition of “sustainable tourism” is an important challenge for European countries nowadays. Indeed, achieving sustainable tourism is a continuous process and it requires a constant monitoring of environmental impacts without forgetting the maintenance of a high level of tourist satisfaction. The Emilia-Romagna Region is a very active actor in the development and identification of strategies for sustainable development both at national and European level. Several members in Italy and Sweden, thanks to their innovative approach to the theme, can be important cases to study.
- Count Orazio Zanardi Landi (Association Castelli dei Ducati) – Castles routes in Parma and Piacenza
- Elsie Hellström (Tillväxt Norra Bohusslän) – Developing sustainable tourism for an increased local economic growth
- Anna Dovadola (Cervia Municipality) – Ecomuseum od the see and salt
Networking Cafés (13.30-14.30/16.30-18.00)
The networking café is an informal meeting place for those wishing to present and discuss project ideas. Those interested in a specific topic can meet and exchange ideas during a 30-minute slot. The list of topics will be available upon registration and can be integrated with new themes until one hour before the session.
Order of Business
- Call to order and opening of the Session
- Approval of the minutes of the 2014 session
- SERN Annual Report 2014
- Financial Report 2014
- Report of the Board of Auditors 2014
- Budget Proposal 2015
- Membership fees 2016
- Election of the members of the SERN Executive Board 2015-2017
- Election of the members of the Board of Auditors 2015-2017
- Venue of the 2016 Session
- Adjournment and Closing of the Session
The SERN General Assembly 2014 has been hosted by Motala Municipality.
- Call to order
- Opening of the Session and approval of the order of business
- Approval of the minutes of the 2013 session
- SERN Annual Report 2013
- Financial Report 2013
- Report of the Board of Auditors
- Membership fees 2015
- Budget Proposal 2014
- Venue of the 2015 Session
- Adjournment and Closing of the Session
The SERN General Assembly 2013 was hosted by the municipality of Scandiano. Several activities have been scheduled for the occasion from Thursday 11th to Saturday 13th of April. More than 110 persons during the three-days event participated to the valorisation seminars arranged to present the latest activities carried out. Furthermore, a contact-making session gave members the possibility of sharing ideas for new projects. During the General Assembly 2013 the first dissemination seminar on the Covenant of Mayors took place since SERN became a support organization of the covenant.
Valorization workshop
Two thematic workshops have been arranged to deepen and share the results of the projects carried out by the members and identify opportunities for a transfer or further exploitation of their outcomes. the topics of the workshops were:
1 – New Skills for the social and health sectors
The seminar has been an opportunity to share the results of the European Projects regarding new training and skills required for professionals working in the healthcare sector. The thematic networks ELCANET (family support for the policies of elder care); SKILLS (New skills in the healthcare sector) and the Leonardo Transfer of Innovation PIECES (innovative learning models on the workplace) were the projects presented during the seminar.
- Project Pieces: Mats Eriksson part 1 – part 2 (Municipality of Linkoping) e Giacomo Magnanini (Province of Parma);
- Project Elcanet: Nicoletta Mestieri (Unione Terre Verdiane); Silvia Ceccarelli (Municipality of Ravenna);
- Project Skills: Inga-Lill Felizia (Municipality of Norrköping).
2 – Planning and management skills in EU projects
The main objective of the seminar was to socialize and introduce innovative elements emerged from the capacity building projects (PLANET, EU NET), with particular regard to management and political commitment in European projects. The seminar has been an occasion for exchanging experiences with a view to future training projects and with the intent to support the members in their networking activities.
- Gabriele Diviso and Nicola Catellani (SERN)
- Silvia Scaffardi (Municipality of Traversetolo)
3 – Seminar on Quality in Early Childhood education and Care (ECEC)
The seminar addressed the theme of quality of ECEC, starting off from the ongoing evaluation activities in Emilia Romagna that is involving all the pre-school services of the region. The discussion focused on the importance of the European dimension of quality and recalling the results of the projects carried out in the network about this topic (Quality cities, the pre-school staff exchange and CREANET).
- Ilaria Mussini (Municipality of Scandiano)
- Christian Fabbi (Pedagogical coordinator, province of Reggio Emilia)
- Nicola Catellani (SERN)
- Nelson Santa Eufemia (Municipality of Norrköping)
Covenant of Mayors Dissemination Seminar
In accordance to the participation of SERN in the Covenant of Mayors as a supporting organization, a specific seminar has been arranged. The seminar aimed to present the Covenant and to promote the exchange of practices on the implementation of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) starting from the experiences of some members of the network.
- Alessandro Rossi (ANCI Emilia-Romagna);
- Francesca Ravaioli (Municipality of Forlì);
- Claudio Nemorini (Municipality of Collecchio and union of municipalities Pedemontana Parmense);
- Johan Andersson (Municipality of Trollhättan)
- Call to order and opening of the Session
- Approval of the minutes of the 2012 session
- SERN Annual Report 2013
- Financial Report 2012 and Report of the Board of Auditors
- SERN Strategic Plan 2015
- Election of the SERN Executive Board 2013-2015
- Election of the Board of Auditors 2013-2015
- Venue of the 2014 Session
- Adjournment and Closing of the Session